When Eleanor Hamilton brought home the outstanding Arabian reining stallion, Hesa Zee+/ to her farm in 1995, the national winner swiftly raised Eleanor’s Arabians to a new level. For the next 20 years, Eleanor built her broodmare band to complement Hesa Zee+/ and it paid off. Almost continuously since his passing in 2015, Hesa Zee+/ has been the leading Working Western Arabian sire in the breed. At the 2019 U.S. National Championship show, Hesa Zee+/ offspring came home with seven national championships and a reserve in cutting, reining, working cow horse and trail. Among his rose-blanketed offspring were Hesa Cassanova+, Zee Fire Storm, Zee Fire Ball+, EAF Hesa Artist+, EAF Tuff N Hesa, and Zee Mighty Mouse, along with numerous top ten national winners as well. At the 2020 Scottsdale Show in February, Hesa Artfull Zee, the 2018 Canadian National Champion in Open Reining, was Scottsdale ARHA Arabian Open Maturity winner and reserve champion in the Arabian Reining Horse Championship with Gary Ferguson. E Zee Slider and Nathan Kent won both the ARHA Reining Futurity Classic and the Arabian Reining Jr Horse Championship. mini sex doll
Eleanor’s Arabians’ team consists of: breeding manager Mark Coombs, on-site trainer Rod Matthiesen, and off-site trainers Gary Ferguson, Pam Rose and Lance Scheffel.
Eleanor’s Arabians owns and stands Justa Genuine Jack (Genuine Hombre by Genuine Doc x Pearly Red Jackie, by Joe Jack Honey Bar), a 2005 red dun Quarter Horse stallion. “Jack” is Superior Heeling and Heading, Halter and Performance ROM and a National Top Ten.
Located in Rogers, Minnesota, just a short drive north of Minneapolis/St. Paul and the airport, Eleanor’s has top purebred and Half-Arabian horses in training, young stock and exceptional Arabian and Quarter Horse bloodstock for sale. Shipped frozen semen is available for Hesa Zee+/, Crown Musc+, Little Sorrel Peppy and CG Colonel Jac.